There is Another Capital Beneath the Waves

Hsu Chai-Wei + Chang Ting-Tong + Cheng Hsien-Yu In collaboration with YCAM, 6 channel videos, VR performance Approx. 40 min.許家維+張碩尹+鄭先喻 與YCAM合作,6頻道錄像、虛擬現實表演,約40分鐘,2023
《浪濤之下,亦有皇都》作品舞台乃是二十世紀前葉隨日本現代化腳步如火如荼發展工業、催生國際商港「門司港」的北九州市門司區。今日門司區內的百年糖廠仍在營運中,且過去與虎尾糖廠曾屬同一個企業傘下,可見虎尾與門司兩鎮在歷史上的緊密連結。兩鎮另一共同點則是在二戰期間皆被視為戰略要塞,並在戰爭白熱化之際遭受大規模空襲。本作疊合門司與門司港的現代化、第二次世界大戰的歷史及在地流傳的平家異聞等跨時空又游離於事實與 傳說之際的題材,並使日本傳統偶戲「人形淨琉璃」、當代動畫技術、音樂與展覽現場演出等古今表演藝術交織共構。新作標題「浪濤之下,亦有皇都」,更是引用了《平家物語》中描述壇之浦戰爭的段落。
There is Another Capital Beneath the Waves is a collaborative work between The Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] and artists Chia-Wei Hsu, Ting-Tong Chang, and Hsien-Yu Cheng.
Individually, each of the artists is an internationally operating and reputed artist who has won major art awards in Taiwan in the past, and has participated in art exhibitions around the world. In recent years, the three of them have been collaborating on a project exploring the memory of modernization and historical relations between Taiwan and Japan, inspired by aspects of industrial sugar production in Taiwan during the time of Japanese rule.
There is Another Capital Beneath the Waves is a work that was realized as part two of Crystal Seeding(2021). It is set in Moji, a town in Kitakyushu where a sugar mill is still operating today. The exhibition looks from various angles at the memory of the two towns, which seem to be mirroring each otherʼs fate within the history of modernization in East Asia.
There is a sugar mill also in Moji today, which used to be operated by the same company that also operated a mill in Huwei, Taiwan. This is how the two towns have been connected through sugar. Both were strategically important bases during the war, and they both suffered severe damage in air raids when the war intensified.
In this work, the memories of war and modernization in Moji and Moji Port are portrayed by means of Japanese traditional joruri puppet theater, CG animation, music and live performance, while also overlapping with the famous local tale of the Heike clan. The title is in fact a line from the Heike Monogatari that describes scenes of the Battle of Dannoura.
The movements of the puppet masters and puppets, performers and avatars, symbolically suggest the complexly tangled relationship of “controlling and being controlled.” What exactly is the driving force that has repeatedly generated this relationship throughout history? This is the question that this work inspires the viewer to explore through a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles, while moving back and forth between the real and the virtual world.
Photo by Shintaro Yamanaka (Qsyum!)
Courtesy of Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
Cast: Bunraku Puppeteer: YOSHIDA Tamasuke, KIRITAKE Monyoshi, YOSHIDA Tamamichi (BUNRAKU-KYOKAI) | Tayu: TAKEMOTO Tomowaka | Shamisen Player: TANAKA Yumiko | Percussionist: Taikimen (YAMAZAKI Taiki) | Lab Researcher: ITO Takayuki* | VR Performer: SAKAI Haruka, CHEN Ciou-Ye
Artististic Direction: HSU Chia-Wei, CHANG Ting-Tong, CHENG Hsien-Yu | Curation: YOSHIZAKI Kazuhiko* | Technical Direction: TOKISATO Mitsuru*, OWAKI Richi*, ITO Takayuki* | Project Management: CHAO I-Tian | Research & Shooting Coordination: IWAMOTO Fumiwo, IKEGAMI Takahiro (Mojiko Art Platform), CHAO I-Tian
Sound Direction: HUI Tak-Cheung | >Composition of Joruri and Taisho-koto: TANAKA Yumiko | Composition of Shamisen: TANAKA Yumiko, HUI Tak-Cheung | Sound Design: HUI Tak-Cheung | Sound Mix: HUI Tak-Cheung | Sound Support: TANAKA Yumiko
Video Direction: HSU Chia-Wei | Shooting Direction: MORIUCHI Yasuhiro | Shooting Crew: MORIUCHI Yasuhiro, CHENG Yu-Chen, TOKISATO Mitsuru*, YAMAOKA Daichi*, OWAKI Richi* | Drone Shooting: SHIRASAWA Tetsuhiro | Motion Capture: OWAKI Richi*, TOKISATO Mitsuru* | 3D Scan: TAKAHARA Fumie*, TOKISATO Mitsuru* | Sound Recording: KASAI Toshihiko, KASE Takuma, NAKAUE Junji*, ITO Takayuki* | Lighting: TAKAHARA Fumie* | Costume Design: CHEN Hikky | Make-up: CHENG Hsien-Yu, CHEN Hikky | Production Stage Management: NG Clarence* | Instrument Design: CHANG Ting-Tong | Instrument Production: LIN Kuo-Wei, OWAKI Richi*, TOKISATO Mitsuru* | Alcohol Production: ITO Takayuki*, TAKAHARA Fumie*, OHTA Hazuki* | Set Design: CHANG Ting-Tong | Set Production: SUPER FACTORY, OWAKI Richi*, ANDO Mitsuhito*, ISHIZAKI Tomoko*, SHOBUN Ayumi* | Video Editing: HSU Chia-Wei | Video Coloring: YANG Tzu-Yi | VFX: TSAI Quint YANG Tzu-Yi | CG Production: HANZAWA Tomoro | CG Animation: TOKISATO Mitsuru* | CG Animation Assistance: ITAKURA Hayato* | Performance Direction: CHANG Ting-Tong | Stage Management: NG Clarence* | Installation Design: CHANG Ting-Tong, CHENG Hsien-Yu | Media Sync System: NAKAUE Junji* | Coordination: MENON Kartika*, FUKUCHI Hikari*, NAKAJIMA Chisako
Script: YANG Kai-Ting, CHANG Ting-Tong | Japanese Translation: IKEDA Lily Ai | English Translation: IWAMOTO Fumiwo, IKEGAMI Takahiro | Japanese Translation Support: YAMAMOTO Hiroki + h (Inu no senaka-za), TANAKA Yumiko | Subtitles: Cheng Yu Chen, Hayato Itakura*
Special Thanks: Mojiko Art Platform, Kanmon Seito Co. Ltd., Shin-Moji Saiseki Co. Ltd., Sankiro, Kitakyushu Film Commission, Taiwan Sugar Coporation Huwei Sugar Factory, people in Moji and Mojiko who cooperatated all those who cooperated in the shooting at Moji and Mojiko
This project has been granted subsidy of National Culture and Arts Foundation.
演員: 文樂傀儡操演者:吉田玉助、桐竹紋吉、吉田玉路(公益財團法人文樂協會)| 太夫:竹本友和嘉 | 三味線及大正琴演奏者:田中悠美子 | 打擊樂手:Taikimen(山﨑大輝)| 實驗室研究員:伊藤隆之*| 虛擬現實表演者:坂井遥香、陳秋燁 ※雙人演出
藝術指導:許家維、張碩尹、鄭先喻 | 策展:吉﨑和彥* | 技術指導:時里充*、大脇理智*、伊藤隆之* | 專案管理:趙宜恬 | 研究拍攝協調:岩本史緒、池上貴弘(門司港藝術平台)、趙宜恬
音樂指導:許德彰 | 浄瑠璃及大正琴作曲:田中悠美子 | 三味線作曲:田中悠美子、許德彰 | 打擊樂作曲:許德彰 | 音響設計:許德彰 | 音樂混音:許德彰 | 音樂協助:田中悠美子
影像導演:許家維 | 攝影導演:森内康博 | 攝影:森内康博、鄭禹晨、時里充*、山岡大地*、大脇理智* | 無人機攝影:白澤哲浩 | 動作捕捉:大脇理智*、時里充*
3D掃描:高原文江*、時里充* | 錄音:葛西俊彥、加瀬拓真、中上淳二*、伊藤隆之* | 照明:高原文江* | 服裝設計:陳必綺 | 化妝:鄭先喻、陳必綺 | 製作管理:クラレンス・ン* | 樂器設計:張碩尹 | 樂器製作:林國瑋、張碩尹、鄭先喻、大脇理智* | 酒類製造:伊藤隆之*、高原文江*、太田遥月* | 佈景設計:張碩尹 | 美術:超級工廠、大脇理智*、石崎智子*、正分あゆみ*、時里充* | 影像剪輯:許家維 | 色彩校正:楊子逸 | 視覺特效:蔡承錕、 楊子逸 | CG製作:半澤智朗 | CG動畫:時里充* | CG動畫助理:板倉勇人* | 表演指導:張碩尹 | 舞台監督:クラレンス・ン* | 影子戲佈置:安藤充人* | 裝置藝術設計:張碩尹、鄭先喻 | 媒體同步系統構建:中上淳二* | 協調:卡爾蒂卡・梅農*、福地ひかり*、仲島智紗子
劇本:楊凱婷、張碩尹 | 日本語字幕翻譯:池田リリィ茜藍 | 英語字幕翻譯:岩本史緒 | 浄瑠璃日本語翻譯修整:田中悠美子 | 劇本日本語翻譯協助:山本浩貴+h(いぬのせなか座)、田中悠美子 | 字幕製作:鄭禹晨、板倉勇人*