Collector - 收集者

Portrait 2013 -Douglas Engelbart
「我常常會捨不得買新的東西,與其購買,亦常常會有自己動手做一個出來看看的想法與行動。久而久之,我養成了使用回收電器,或是改裝廢棄物件、零件以再利用的習慣。」--- 鄭先喻
“To reuse wasted products or buying new things, I sometimes struggle with them. Then I use to make one by myself instead of buying. Over a long period of time, I have this habit and develop some skills via those process by modifying, recycling some E-waste or secondhand materials.” ---Hsien-Yu CHENG
This process is also concerned with his creative works. he tries to symbolize or bring some thoughts and things are happened around our life, society even nature that he doesn't like into his works. Maybe those things that he doesn't want to see or he doesn't like are not really important for many people, but he still keep collecting those phenomenons that are happened around us. So he starts to have this project “Collector”. It’s not only collecting abandoned objects or E-waste, it’s also collecting sanctimonious justice, value and humanity.
Hsien-Yu CHENG presents 5 works In [collector 1.0.0] at tamtamART TAIPEI. IPIX this time. Three of them are related to his thoughts about perspective between human and life. The other two, one is that he would like to express respect to the inventor of computer mice. The other one is a kind of experimental prototype, it’s about how to generate energy by bio materials and eco-tech.