Crystal Seeding

“Crystal Seeding” is a joint artwork of three artists, Chia-wei Hsu, Hsien-yu Cheng, Ting-tong Chang in cooperation with Huwei Sugar Factory, Taiwan. The project took cane sugar as a starting point, and then developed by incorporating a puppet show, experimental music, sugar 3D printing technology and mechanical arms. Through this complicated yet interrelated network, this project aims to comb Huwei’s history during the last one hundred years.
The narrative for the video was adapted from the Japanized puppet show “Kurama Tengu” and was performed by the Sheng Ping Puppet Troupe. It combines both reality and the virtual to reveal the history of Huwei town. It is also interspersed with the performance of the composer, Tak-cheung Hui, at the Huwei sugar factory, transforming the factory into an on-site instrument. In this theater-like environment, the mechanical arm, 3D printer and aviation flag have all become actors in this play. They enter and exit the stage as the story unfolds, serving and portraying different “roles” and “incidents''.
影片裡的敘事改寫自皇民化布袋戲《鞍馬天狗》(Kurama Tengu),由戲團昇平五洲園(Sheng Ping Puppet Troupe)演出,現實結合虛擬,訴說虎尾鎮歷史;影片穿插作曲家許德彰在虎尾糖廠內的演奏,將工廠轉化成現地「樂器」;在如同劇場的環境中,機械手臂、3D列印機、航空旗號均為劇目中的演員,隨著故事推演而入場出場,在舞台中扮演不同的「角色」與「事件」。
Crystal Seeding from Ting Tong Chang on Vimeo.