Second Life : Habitat
Second Life : Habitat 棲息地
張碩尹TingTong Chang X 鄭先喻HsienYu Cheng
本計畫特別與台灣大學昆蟲系黃榮南教授合作,在一自我封閉的循環系統之內,鄭先喻與張碩尹在大型玻璃缸內繁殖上千隻白線斑紋.透過實驗室流程與配備,缸內具備完整的生存條件:幼蟲從孑孓培育到成蛹、羽化,成蟲在玻璃缸內飛舞,最後在捕蚊燈下結束生命週期。捕蚊燈連接電子程式,將蚊子「真實生命」轉換成電子訊號,成為電子遊戲(Second Life)中的「虛擬生命」。這些分身具備人類外型,在虛擬世界中開展新的生命週期:吃、喝、睡與遊走,供觀眾自由操縱,並在一定時間內死亡。藝術家於展期間每兩週捐血兩百克,每個遊戲角色的死亡,將啟動點滴瓶中血液流入裝置中,以提供雌蚊產育下一代的養分。本計劃透過與觀眾「遊戲」的過程,探討當代生命的意義,並表現數位科技為死亡意涵所帶來本質性的轉變,與「遊戲」在人類行為/決策、與生態環境等不同層面上的角色。

The installation consists of a breeding chamber in which thousands of mosquitos are bred during the exhibition. The mosquitoes go through all stages of their lifecycle until their life is ended by a bug zapper. Each dead mosquito creates an electric signal to the computer system, that converts them into avatars. These computer-generated avatars then became virtual human beings, whose activity in virtual space can be controlled by the audience. Every time the avatar’s life is automatically terminated by the system, the ‘food’ (blood donated by the artists) for the mosquitoes is released from the blood feeder to which a transfusion device is connected. In this way, the dead provide nutrition for the next generation of mosquitos and hence, the life-avatar-energy-electric signal marks a complete cycle. Through the work, the artists examine the meaning of life in the digital era.
Collaborator: Prof. Huang Rong-Nan, National Taiwan University – Department of Entomology
Hsien-Yu Cheng (TW) explores the relationship between human behavior, emotion, software and machine. He tries to bring out the meaning of life through his works that are filled with his own observation and feelings toward society and environment. He focuses on bioelectronic researches, intelligent sound and developing creative art tools.
Ting-Tong Chang (TW) received his MFA at Goldsmiths, University of London, and has exhibited internationally. Chang’s major awards include the 19th Taishin Arts Award, Taipei Art Award 2020, Hong Kong Art Central RISE Award 2016 and others. His works can be found in public and private collections in Europe and Asia.