de centralize

作品名稱:『de centralize』
媒材:air control unit, fog/mist machine, software, electronic circuit 尺寸:size variable
Title : de centralize Year: 2020 Medium: air control unit, fog/mist machine, software, electronic circuit Size: dimensions variable
Description :
在煙霧所形成的空間中,以不斷的變動性為出發,以電腦視覺與區塊式的加密方式去產生資料,再將資料的產生視覺或是聽覺化,以迴圈 (loop)與回饋(feedback)這種比較古典的方式去產生一個恆定的變動性,去凸顯或是討論人類所建構的網路世界、或是自然界中,所謂 共識主動性(Stigmergy)的機制。
In a foggy space of constant transformation, the information generated by blockchain encryption and computer vision is visualized or auralized. The relatively classical method of creating such an invariant variability by means of loop and feedback techniques is designed to foreground or reconsider the so-called mechanism of stigmergy in Nature or in the cyber world created by human beings.