
SIP telecom-server, software, network switch equipment, metal stand, display equipment, speakers
Dimensions variable
*創作贊助:洪建全基金會 台灣松下電器
*展間攝影:ANPIS FOTO王世邦
《Annoyanony》奠基在當代的資訊隱私的權利觀念,以及合成資料技術成熟的基礎上:創建出一組虛擬的電信電話號碼,及相對應的、通話方的視覺化個人資料,並藉由SIP(Session Initiation Protocol,對話啟動協定,用於營造即時多媒體互動會談功能)網路電話方式,隨機選取資料中的號碼進行通話,接通之後,將會藉由作品路由至同一線路,建立一個匿名的通話群組,讓兩端的通話者在不知情的情境下,開始一段與完全陌生對象的通話。若雙方過於沉默,作品中也有語音暗示的設定,以誘導通話雙方開始進行對話,進而產生一連串不確定性的通話內容。在展場的觀眾則可以藉由揚聲設備以及視覺影像,作為第三方完全旁觀這一場對話的全貌。鄭先喻則透過《Annoyanony》表達,當機器開始觸發、掌控如撥打電話等人類日常行為,其背後諸如隱私、倫理,甚至人類主體性等深層的焦慮和辯證。
Annoyanony draws inspiration from the contemporary idea of one’s right to information privacy and is based on the maturing technology of synthetic data: the artist creates a virtual telephone number and corresponding visualized personal data of the interlocutor. Using the internet communication technology known as “Session Initiation Protocol” (SIP, often used for real-time, multimedia interactive sessions), a phone call to a randomly chosen number in the data will be made. After the call is answered, it will be routed to the same line through this work, creating an anonymous call group. The interlocutors of the call then unknowingly engage in a phone call with each other, both strangers to one another. If the interlocutors are quiet, the work will give audio cues to guide them to talk, and consequently produce a series of conversations, of which the content cannot be predicted. The audience in the exhibition, on the other hand, becomes a third party to observe the conversations through the audio equipment and visualization of the work. Through Annoyanony, the artist unveils deep anxieties over and dialectic about privacy, ethics, and even human subjectivity, when the machine starts performing and mastering everyday human behaviors, such as making a phone call.